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Помогите определить чип JL по маркировке o.O

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Всем привет и хорошего дня!

Хочу понять, что за чип стоит в моей гитарной педали, прошивается ли он, и есть ли документация/SDK на этот МК. Это, по-моему, единственный форум, где разбираются в этих семействах микросхем, так что, надеюсь, пришел по адресу. Выглядит оно вот так:

Написано: C069298 11b8

Помогити разобраться)


Это AC7911B.  сдк есть на гитхабе. оно типа опенсурс....

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By Admin


BIOS написал(а):


Классно, спасибо!

А как маркировка соотносится с моделью? У знакомого в таком же девайсе cd 069300 1b8, -- последняя часть кодирует модель устройства, а первая зачем?


BIOS написал(а):

сдк есть на гитхабе

ну такое


Ага, нашел 11B8 - 1B это модель чипа, 8 это 8 мегабит флеш


правильно. начало маркировки - партномера и жаты производства...

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By Admin


Аналогичный вопрос, судя по маркировке ***-56С4 это получается AC6956C? Но вот только проблема, что моё устройство – принтер, а это чип для аудиоприминения. Неверная модель?

Второй вопрос – как устроен BLE на данных чипах? Это какие-то либы в PDK или оно там в железе жёстко прошито? Почему такой вопрос: в моём случае поднимается сервис который работает как uart. Причем по uuid это какой-то форк аналогичного сервиса Микрочипа, в чём я не вижу никакой логики в плане софта, только если на уровне железа готовыми ip-блоками заложено. Это везде оно так или все же исключительно софтовое решение конкретного устройства?

Третий вопрос – насколько понимаю, используемая архитектура это форк MSA? Насколько сложно достать прошивку (процесс?) и декомпилировать/дизассемблировать весь код, есть ли какой-то готовый инструментарий, все ли инструкции известны, используемые форматы?

Подпись автора

exploit developer


QU35710N написал(а):


It is an AC6956C with 4mb of flash. These are not just for audio applications. They can be found in many products such as smart watches , video doorbells, and many more. they are basically a MCU with RTOS running . So you can use them as a generic MCU with custom coding.


QU35710N написал(а):

A similar question, judging by the marking ***-56С4 it turns out to be AC6956C? But here's the problem, that my device is a printer, and this is a chip for audio application. Wrong model?

The second question is how BLE is arranged on these chips? Are these some libs in PDK or is it hardwired into the hardware? Why such a question: in my case, a service is raised that works as a uart. Moreover, according to uuid, this is some kind of fork of a similar Microchip service, in which I do not see any logic in terms of software, only if it is embedded at the hardware level with ready-made IP blocks. Is it like this everywhere or is it still an exclusively software solution for a specific device?

Third question - as far as I understand, the architecture used is a fork of MSA? How difficult is it to get the firmware (process?) and decompile/disassemble the entire code, is there any ready-made toolkit, are all the instructions known, the formats used?

The SDK for the the AC695N is available and you can use that. If you are familliar with RTOS, then the coding wouldn't be problem.


Jobit Joseph написал(а):

The SDK for the the AC695N is available and you can use that. If you are familliar with RTOS, then the coding wouldn't be problem.

Oh, thanks. In fact, I reverse-engineered the protocol of printer, I reverse-engineered it from the official software for printer. However, I found some commands that are ignored by the printer when I send them from my own application. That's why I decided to get the firmware from a chip and investigate it to see if it just doesn't support those commands or if I missed something. I'm doing this just for fun at spare time, so don't want to spend a lot of time if it is too complicated and need a lot of time. Several hours is ok, few days - no, thanks :)

Подпись автора

exploit developer


QU35710N написал(а):

Oh, thanks. In fact, I reverse-engineered the protocol of printer, I reverse-engineered it from the official software for printer. However, I found some commands that are ignored by the printer when I send them from my own application. That's why I decided to get the firmware from a chip and investigate it to see if it just doesn't support those commands or if I missed something. I'm doing this just for fun at spare time, so don't want to spend a lot of time if it is too complicated and need a lot of time. Several hours is ok, few days - no, thanks

What kind of printer is the one you have? Is it a thermal printer?


Jobit Joseph написал(а):

What kind of printer is the one you have? Is it a thermal printer?

Yes, thermal printer. Chinese manufacturers produce in one case different models, which use different software and various protocols. So, which one you buy is a matter of luck. I was "lucky" to get model which is not reversed yet, so forced to do it itself for my personal project (want to print misc stuff like that):

Подпись автора

exploit developer


found a JL one with -59A4 labeling. Documentation-wise that one seems to be nonexistent on the currently available materials.


Can You show the photo?
Maybe it that

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By Admin


BIOS написал(а):

Can You show the photo?
Maybe it that

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    By Admin

pinout-wise it matches. not enough posts yet to access your extended infodumps in the main jieli topic so far which is the reason why i pulled blanks on research on the net

had it guessed already from the naming scheme


masterX244 написал(а):

pulled blanks on research on the net

Подпись автора

By Admin


got the chip into submission finally after figuring out why my RP2040 based usb poking utility did not work. was a bit too late on the first attempts and the app had booted already when i tried to USB_KEY it.. immediately starting after applying voltage worked to get it to spit out its flash data


Got a different one from another device where the markings were filed off completely. got the following u-boot log though:
================ Quick info ==================
  ** BR25 (AC636N/AC696N/AC608N series) **
  Loader protocol: V2
  >> Chip key: 0x86E1 <<
  - USB buffer size: 32768 bytes
  - Online device:
     ID: 0x856013
     Type: 0x03 (SPI NOR flash on SPI0)
  - Another Device ID: 0x00008560

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