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AC6965A4 vs TD5161A

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Hello everybody. This is my first message in this forum.

I'm so sorry that i can't understand russian language, please excuse me if i use english.

Some days ago i bought a lot of Bluetooth boards from Aliexpress with the reference HW-770B that looks like a revision of the HW-770, but i received some boards with AC6965A4 IC, and others with the TD5161A chip. They look quite similar, but i wanted to know if anybody has tried to program the TD5161A as it was an AC6965A4. I have read extensively this forum (as good as the google translator let me understand), and it seems that these modules could be extended in functions, but maybe it depends if the firmware is ready for doing so or maybe I need to reprogram them. Also I have seen that ICs already programmed have the huge inconvenience that one must get the chip key in order to modify their code, at least for the AC6965A... I tried to see how far the AC6965A is similar to TD5164A...

Here is the HW 770B with the AC chip:

Here the backside:

Here is the HW 770 with the TD chip:

And there is its backside:

What I did is, at first, remove all parts from these boards, leaving just the bare PCBs, this would let me to easily draw the schematic of both boards, because i checked the value of every part at the time i removed it (specially the 0603 capacitors):

Here is the rebuilt schematic for the AC6965A4 version (looks like there are a lot of marking mistakes, or maybe they leveraged the PCB of an earlier chip to update the board without updating the naming):


Here the rebuilt schematic for the TD5161A (notice that the silkscreen for the IC states CB6965A, then I assume that this is a replacement for the TD...):

Then what I did, to check if these ICs are at least similar, was to decap them, although my magnifier lens is not a very good one, but i took some pictures..

Each IC has 2 silicon dies. There is a big main one (1.9x1.7 mm) and there is another auxiliary die on top (very small to measure with accuracy, but about 0.5x0.9mm). I didn't know that when I decapped the AC6965A and i thought that the small red spot over the die was just dirt, so i've thrown it to the waste. After I found that the other IC had the same red spot, i realized that in fact it was a small die attached on top of the chip.

Here a couple of pictures for the AC6965A4:

And there the pictures for the dies of the TD5161A:

Here is the auxiliary Die of the TD5161A (I've lost the one of the AC6565A but i figure out that would be the very same):

I don't see any big difference but there is a small one at the top left in each picture of the main dies, maybe it was just a revision for the top mask of the IC, other than that, from my point o view, both ICs are the same.


looks like TD5164A is a name for a software project, burned in a chip marked TD5164A.
good start would be to purchase jl trigger, so you will be able to determine what "family" is a particular ic.


Yes, ender11 is right, it's just the name of the firmware. If you look at the chip, you can see that it is thinner than the original one due to the fact that the previous markings have been erased.

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Thank you for your replies, guys 🙂

BIOS написал(а):

it's just the name of the firmware. If you look at the chip, you can see that it is thinner than the original one due to the fact that the previous markings have been erased.

I thought so, but there is a company that sells these ICs as they were manufacturing them. Eventhough they state the need of programming such ICs (but they don't say how to do), that's why I believed JL would be an OEM of the later company despite using a rudimentary marking.

However, you are right. The IC marked as TD5161A looks like It has been flattened by sanding the surface to remove a previous marking.

ender11 написал(а):

good start would be to purchase jl trigger, so you will be able to determine what "family" is a particular ic.

I'd rather like to make my own trigger. Seems very simple to implement. Probably when i order to JLCPCB a set of designs, i will include a pcb with the hardware needed. Meanwhile i will to further testing on the next weeks in my free time.

Thank you for all.

Вы здесь » USMI » MCU, SoC, CPU Микроконтроллеры » AC6965A4 vs TD5161A